Customer Acquisition & Growth
August 15, 2023

Customer Acquisition Strategy: 8 Actionable Best Practices

Customer Acquisition Strategy

To acquire and retain qualified leads, you need a robust customer acquisition strategy. This article will teach you the essentials of customer acquisition: how to reduce customer acquisition costs while capitalising on your current audience. We will assist you in developing an agile acquisition strategy that can withstand changing trends.




Whether you're launching a new business, expanding a current one, or just outwitting your competition, your customer acquisition approach may actually make or break your success.

That is why we are exploring the exciting world of customer acquisition. We'll be spilling the beans on tried-and-true best practices to increase your chances of success. From riding the digital wave like a pro to building connections that actually matter, we've created a master plan to help you win over your target audience.

What is a Customer Acquisition Strategy?

The process of convincing potential consumers to buy your products is known as customer acquisition. A solid customer acquisition strategy generates leads, nurtures them until they are sales-ready, and then converts them into customers. Your customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the total cost of completing these steps.

Imagine you're at a networking event. You wouldn't just stand around hoping people would notice you, right? You would start conversations, show your knowledge, and make real connections.  

And that's where the Customer Acquisition Funnel comes into play. It's like your roadmap to guide potential customers from "What's this?" to "I need this!" Here's how the pieces fit together:

Step #1: Awareness 

Think of this as the first handshake. You're introducing yourself and making that initial connection. In business, this is when people first learn about your brand. Strategies at this stage often involve referral marketing, social media engagement, and online advertising.

Step #2: Interest 

As prospects move down the funnel, their interest in your offering deepens. At this stage, you're providing additional information about what you do. You can do this through blog posts, videos, and engaging content.

Step #3: Consideration

By now, prospects are intrigued and want to learn more. They are considering investing in your product or service. This is where you provide detailed information through customer reviews and case studies.

Step #4: Intent

In the intent stage, potential customers are almost ready to make a purchase. They're leaning in, thinking, "This might be exactly what I need." At this point, offering incentives like discounts or free trials can give them that final nudge.

Step #5: Conversion

It's official—they're making the commitment. Your efforts were rewarded, and they are hitting the "Buy Now" button. This is where Your checkout process, user experience, and payment options play a significant role in converting intent into action.

Step #6: Post-Purchase Engagement

The relationship doesn't end with the purchase. It is critical to keep customers engaged after the transaction. Follow-up emails, customised advice, and great customer service are all part of this. Check to see whether they're satisfied and offer outstanding support. This fosters trust and promotes repeat business.

Step #7: Loyalty and Advocacy

The last stage entails converting delighted customers into loyal supporters. Customers become brand champions who leave positive reviews, refer others, and return for more.


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Key Elements of a Successful Customer Acquisition Strategy

Here are a few best practices to consider when creating your customer acquisition.

1. Understanding Your Target Audience

Understanding your target demographic is a continuous activity that influences every part of your customer acquisition approach. The better you understand their needs and behaviours, the better you will be able to personalise your approach to resonate with them and promote successful customer acquisition.

  • Segmentation: Group potential customers by demographics (age, gender, location), psychographics (lifestyle, values, interests), and behaviours (shopping habits, online activity).

  • Customer Personas: Create detailed personas for different audience segments. To humanise and understand personas, give them names, backstories, and traits.

  • Problem Identification: Get to the heart of your audience's pain points and challenges. What issues are they attempting to resolve? Tailor your messaging to show how your product or service addresses these issues effectively.

  • Decision-Making Factors: Understand what factors influence their decision-making process. Is it price, quality, brand reputation, or something else? Tailor your value proposition accordingly.

  • Feedback and Surveys: Engage with your existing customers to gather feedback. Use surveys to learn about their experiences, pain points, and ideas for improvement.

  • Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors and their audiences. What market segments are they aiming for, and how are they meeting their needs? Identify any flaws in their strategy that you may exploit.


2. Selecting the Right Acquisition Channels

The channels through which you acquire customers can influence the success of your strategy. You can reach and engage your target audience by carefully selecting and optimising your acquisition channels.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Channel Relevance: Choose channels that align with your audience's preferences and behaviours. If your audience is active on Instagram, for example, focus your efforts there.

  • Business Goals: Consider your business objectives. Are you aiming for brand awareness, lead generation, direct sales, or a combination? Choose a channel that supports your business goals.

  • Multi-Channel Approach: Utilise multiple channels to reach a wider audience. It is often more effective to use a combination of social media, referral marketing, and paid advertising.


3. Creating Compelling Value Propositions

Creating a compelling value proposition is more than simply making a sales pitch. It's about creating a message that speaks directly to the needs of your target audience. It should complement all your marketing activities. It should also encourage customers to choose you over your competitors.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Unique Differentiation: Clearly communicate what sets your product or service apart from competitors. 

  • Address Pain Points: Highlight how your offering addresses specific pain points or challenges your target audience faces. 

  • Quantifiable Benefits: Clearly state the benefits customers will gain from choosing your product or service. Use quantifiable metrics whenever possible (e.g., "Save 30% on energy bills").

  • Emotional Appeal: Connect with your audience on an emotional level. Appeal to their desires, aspirations, and emotions to create a stronger bond with your brand.

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Put the customer at the centre of your value proposition. Show how your product or service meets their demands and improves their lives.


4. Implementing Referral and Influencer Marketing

Referral and influencer marketing leverage the power of social proof and trust. The genuine nature of recommendations from friends, family, or trusted influencers can break down barriers and expedite the decision-making process for potential customers. Effectively implementing these strategies promotes customer acquisition and generates long-term loyalty and advocacy.

Here’s how it works:

Referral Marketing:

  • Word-of-Mouth Power: Encourage your satisfied customers to refer friends and family. Personal recommendations build trust.

    88% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over any other form of advertising.

  • Retention Boost: Referred customers tend to stick around longer, contributing to higher retention rates compared to other acquisition methods.

    Referred customers have a 37% higher retention rate than non-referred customers.

  • Conversion Edge: Referrals often result in higher conversion rates due to the inherent trust established through the referral connection.

    Referred customers tend to convert 30% better than leads generated from other marketing channels.

Influencer Marketing:

  • Influence and Trust: Leverage influencers with engaged audiences to endorse your product or service.

    37% of consumers trust influencers more than brands when it comes to product recommendations.

  • ROI Potential: Allocate resources to collaborate with influencers for authentic endorsements. This increases brand exposure and conversions. 

  • Audience Reach: Choose influencers whose follower base aligns with your target audience. This allows you to reach new audiences.

Combining both strategies can help you improve customer loyalty through:

  • Referral Loyalty: Customers referred by others tend to exhibit higher loyalty and longevity with a brand.

    Customers referred by other customers have an average lifetime value 16% higher than non-referred customers.

  • Influencer Influence: Influencers can significantly sway consumer purchasing decisions, especially within niches they specialise in.

    Social media influences the purchasing decisions of more than 74% of consumers


5. Monitoring and Adjusting the Strategy

Monitoring and adjusting your strategy is not only about fixing what's broken; it's about continuously optimising and evolving to stay ahead. A proactive approach guarantees that your customer acquisition plan stays effective. It prepares you for changing customer and market demands.


Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Data Tracking: Regularly collect and analyse relevant data, such as website traffic, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and return on investment (ROI).

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Define and track KPIs that align with your business goals. The KPIs will help you measure the success of your strategy.

  • Regular Reviews: Conduct frequent reviews of your strategy's performance to identify areas for improvement and recognise successful tactics.

  • A/B Testing: Test variations of your campaigns, landing pages, emails, and other elements to determine which versions yield the best results.

  • Audience Feedback: Listen to customer feedback, suggestions, and concerns. Incorporate this information into your strategic adjustments.

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6. Leverage Video Content

Video marketing has become an essential tool for customer acquisition due to its ability to capture attention, engage audiences, and effectively communicate a brand's message. 

91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. Video content also generates a positive ROI for 92% of video marketers.


Here are some key reasons why video marketing is important for customer acquisition: 

  • Engagement and Attention: Videos are inherently engaging and can capture viewers' attention more effectively than text or images.

  • Storytelling: Videos offer a dynamic platform for sharing your brand's narrative. It highlights your values and provokes an emotional response from your audience. Storytelling helps humanise your brand and make it more appealing to potential customers.

  • SEO Benefits: Videos can improve your website's search engine rankings, driving organic traffic. 

  • Educational Content: Videos are excellent for explaining complex concepts, demonstrating product features, or providing tutorials. Educational content demonstrates your knowledge and helps prospects understand your products.

  • Social Proof: Showcase user-generated content, success stories, and reviews through video. Authentic social proof can influence potential customers positively.

Here are some top tips provided by VEED when creating marketing videos 


7. Invest in Partnership Marketing

This is a powerful strategy for acquiring and converting leads. By forming strategic alliances, you can expand your customer base, enhance your value proposition, and increase your conversion rate.

Revenue increased for 49% of companies that adopted a partnership strategy. 45% reported increased brand awareness with a target audience.

Here's how this transfomational marketing approach works:

  • Strategic Collaborations: Strategic partnerships are crucial for growth. Digital partnership programmes involve teaming up with other brands that share your goals and audience demographics. Finding brand partners whose products or goals align with your own allows you to expand your reach and break into new markets.

  • Exclusive Benefits and Discounts: Digital partnership programmes offer your customers exclusive benefits and discounts on your brand partners’ products or services. You can offer prospective customers something they can not get elsewhere: more value for their money.

  • Visibility and Brand Exposure: Partnering with reputable businesses can boost your visibility and brand exposure.

    High-growth brands use marketing partnerships three times more than low-growth brands, which is expected.

  • Trust and Credibility: Customers will have more faith in your business and products if they see you working with other reputable brands. This makes it easier for you to convert leads into paying customers.

  • Access to Niche Audiences: By partnering with companies that serve specific interests or industries, you can reach and attract customers from these niche communities.

    Joint promotional campaigns influence the purchase decisions of 68% of customers.

  • Cost-effective Marketing: When compared to more conventional forms of advertising, digital partnership programmes can help you reduce acquisition costs. By working with others, you can gain access to their customer base without spending a fortune on advertising. Barter exchanges and other partner marketing strategies are prime examples of this.


8) Customer Loyalty Programmes


A customer loyalty programme can support your customer acquisition strategy. It might seem counterintuitive, but these two concepts can complement each other. 

Here's how a customer loyalty programme fits into the overall strategy:

  • Retaining Existing Customers: A customer loyalty programme aims to keep your current customers engaged and coming back for more. This not only increases customer lifetime value but also reduces churn, allowing you to capitalise on the investments you've made in acquiring those customers initially.

  • Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied and loyal customers are more likely to refer friends, family, and colleagues to your business.

    More than 50% of buyers will recommend others if they receive a reward, recognition, or exclusive loyalty programme membership in return.

  • Value Proposition Enhancement: A well-designed loyalty programme adds to your value proposition, making your brand more appealing to potential customers. Rewards and special bonuses may encourage new customers to pick you over the competition.

  • Data Utilisation: Loyalty programmes collect data about customer preferences and behaviours. This information might help you better identify your target audience.

  • Customer Advocacy: Loyal customers who participate in your loyalty programme become brand advocates. Sharing their positive experiences through testimonials, reviews, and social media, helps attract new customers.

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How to Minimise Customer Acquisition Costs

There’s always room for improvement in marketing. You can always reach new audiences, use better messages, and minimise associated costs. Here are a few ways to achieve the latter:

1. Improve Website Conversion

Enhance Calls-to-Action:
Make sure your CTAs are clear and compelling, they should guide visitors towards desired actions.

Mobile Responsiveness: In today's mobile-driven world, ensure your website looks and functions seamlessly across all devices.

Optimise Landing Pages: Create focused landing pages that match user expectations and lead them towards conversion.

A/B Testing: Consider A/B testing a landing page or shopping cart to see if a certain design or copywriting angle works best.

A/B testing can lead to an average conversion rate improvement of 49%

2. Boost Customer Value

New Products or Upgrades:
Introduce new goods, services, or upgrades that give value to your existing clients and encourage them to invest more.

Referral Programmes: Encourage current customers to refer friends and family by offering incentives or rewards.

Advocacy: Cultivate brand advocates who willingly promote your products or services to their network, expanding your reach.

3. Adjust and Optimise Your Strategy

Analyse Channel Costs:
Regularly review and analyse the cost-effectiveness of different customer acquisition channels. Are certain channels yielding better results at a lower cost?

Trim Extra Spending: Identify areas where you can cut back on unnecessary marketing expenses without compromising on results.

Stay Agile: Keep your acquisition strategy flexible and adaptable to changes in the market landscape and customer behaviour.

Key takeaways


Understand your target audience

  • Divide prospects into segmented groups

  • Create customer personas

  • Identify customer problems and pain points

  • Understand the factors influencing their decision-making process

  • Conduct surveys and collect feedback

  • Conduct competitor analysis

Choose the right acquisition channel

  • Identify relevant customer channels

  • Choose a channel that supports your business goals

  • Use a multi-channel approach

Create a compelling value proposition

  • Address customer pain points

  • Provide quantifiable benefits

  • Leverage emotional appeal

  • Use a customer-centric approach

Leverage referral and influencer marketing

  • Create a referral programme to reward brand advocates

  • Use influencer marketing to influence customer purchase decisions

Monitor and adjust your strategy

  • Track customer data

  • Conduct regular reviews

  • Optimise your strategy with A/B testing

  • Collect audience feedback

Use video content

  • Share your brand values

  • Create educational content

  • Leverage social proof with video reviews and testimonials

Launch a customer loyalty programme

  • Enhance your value proposition with a customer loyalty programme

  • Use programme data to refine your acquisition strategy

  • Reward advocacy with relevant rewards

Minimise acquisition costs

  • Improve website conversions

  • Enhance customer value

  • Adjust and optimise your strategy

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Thinking About Launching a Customer Referral Programme?

By now have a clearer understanding of how to build a successful customer acquisition strategy.  The next step is to use proven strategies like referral marketing to create a cost-effective, data-driven approach to customer acquisition success. 

Get started by checking out our ROI calculator, which includes forecasts for increased revenue by launching a referral programme.

Calculator Mockup

ROI Calculator

See How A Referral & Customer Loyalty Programme Can Impact Your Business


Enter the size of your audience, average customer value and programme type to see how much you can gain


Calculate your ROI >




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